My Workshop Story – Zacharias Shimangu

Amazing Motor Mechanics

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The story of Zacharias and the Amazing Motor Mechanics differs in many ways. Quite differently from everyone we would meet over the four days. The 15-year civil war in Mozambique between FRELIMO and RENAMO left a legacy of death, orphaned children and refugees seeking asylum in neighbouring countries. Zacharias was one of the lucky few that made it out as a 14-year-old boy in 1984. It was either escape or join the war as a child soldier. Zacharias joined the Church within 500 metres of where we sat talking and started a job as a shepherd taking care of goats, sheep and cows.

In life when you get obstacles, it’s to purify you for something better

Zacharias began working at Eurojet as a car washer. Seeking to build a future, he approached his then boss the following January to start working as a ‘spanner boy’, a type of junior apprentice role in the workshop, working on trucks. From that  humble beginning, together with a drive to create  his own destiny , Zacharias left to work for TAK Motor Company. They were the importers at that time for Lancia, Ferrari and Maserati in South Africa. At TAK, he worked alongside a blind tuner called Dennis, where Zacharias was the hands and eyes of the tuning process.

In 2007, Zacharias registered Amazing Motor Services as a separate legal entity with a determined mindset to have the necessary trade certification behind his name. This natural tendency to be legal and compliant fitted the objectives of Filpro, who recruited Zacharias to join the program in 2012. This proved to be a deserved dose of good fortune for the future, helping him to better himself with the formalisation opportunities the Filpro framework provided. It was a perfect fit.

If you’re not scoring a goal, it doesn’t mean you’re playing bad…you just need to change your strategy

Throughout our conversation, I’m touched by the heartbreak in his story, the long pauses in the discussion,as he recounts countless issues growing up. Experiences far away from the cosy confines of a leafy suburb. Experiences that no child should ever endure. The stories you may have watched on the news once upon a time or may even have read about in a National Geographic Magazine are real. Stories of war-torn Africa and genocide. It somehow hits a lot differently when you’re sitting across the way from an individual, someone with a mother and father. Someone with a family. These people have names and connections.

“The community gave us what we needed and protected us when we needed them the most,” Zacharias recalls of the time he entered Soweto. When I raise the importance of mentorship and what it means to him, along with the lessons from the blind tuner named Dennis, he recalls the times when Roger, a white man, would invite him and his wife over for dinner. During Apartheid, such meetings were prohibited. Zacharias recalls just how much those types of sacrifices meant, along

with the help he and his wife received from the community. Despite what you read, humanity exists in the darkest hours, and if we focus on that, things will be just fine. I get the sense that Zacharias has embodied this value into a sound set of core values that has been his guiding light throughout the most challenging times which no human should have to endure. Such strength in the face of adversity is in itself a source of motivation when reflecting on one’s own challenges. Filpro can be proud to be part of his journey.

Zacharias has called Soweto his home ever since coming to South Africa and is determined to stay there and continue to give back to the community that has helped him, using the skills he has  learnt. He is a source of inspiration in that he has not only broken the generational curse of a fatherless home and overcome a war in his homeland but he has also created a business that serves a community. He is a real hero that kids should be looking up to. Programs like Filpro are the catalysts to assist

turbo charge learnings where individuals couldn’t get a formal education for valid reasons. Zacharias’ story is a fitting example of this. Having a dependable helping hand along the way assures the everyday business life of men like Zacharias. Even at this stage, Zacharias dreams of having a better workshop with shining floors and a shining office to continue servicing the community. On the topic of original parts, he’s proud of being able to associate himself with the best quality when delivering a service, giving the community the best products.

“When Filpro gave me the opportunity to achieve my professional certification, that was one of the happiest moments of my life”. A golden ticket to make a living and obtain professional contracts with organisations like the South African Police Service. I’m reminded of how education is often the unlocking mechanism for struggling communities and for individuals to follow to better their circumstances and to give their children a better opportunity in life. With Zacharias’ children all professionals in fields spanning Architecture, Maths, Science and Computer Science, barring the youngest who is still in school, he is living proof of this. Zacharias also proves that one’s attitude determines your ultimate destiny and that your past doesn’t dictate your future..

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14 thoughts on “My Workshop Story – Zacharias Shimangu

  1. WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! When I read the story of Zacharias I realize the the challenges I experienced in my life does not come close to what Zacharias went through. I would love to meet these inspiration people and it would be an honor to give them a plant tour.

    “From that humble beginning, together with a drive to create his own destiny” – A recipe for success.

  2. The challenges Zacharias went through is really sad.
    One can take a leave out he’s hat for not giving up on life or blame someone,but instead he pulled through pure determination,dedication and discipline.

    Well done

  3. We all go through struggles in life which can shape or break us, it is an amazing thing that he decided to commit and rise above it all and pursue his passion in life.

  4. Well done Zacharias on your awesome achievement.
    May God bless you with a State of the Art workshop in the near future.

  5. Congradulations Zacharias for using your past as a stepping stone for a better future.All the best for you and your famiy in the future and may your business continue to grow.

  6. You are an inspiration to any young person to overcome your difficulties and the choices you made.
    Well done!

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