SA Must Foster A Truly Competitive Automotive Aftermarket

Right to Repair SA is known for advocating for consumer choice. But consumer choice has an important flipside, and that is the creation of opportunity – an all-important word in a country such as ours that is currently experiencing an unprecedented unemployment rate of 34.4%.  Never have we needed an increase in broad-based economic growth more than we do now.

Any policies, such as the Guidelines for Competition in the SA Automotive Aftermarket, which give effect to the Competition Act of 1998 in the automotive industry, need to be applauded and their implementation carefully monitored.

Free markets are the basis of a capitalist society. However, under certain conditions totally free markets can fail to deliver optimal results. One reason for this is harmful conduct by firms that have grown too big and are in a position to unilaterally abuse their size and/or collaborate with their competitors to engage in collusive activities.

Competition law contains provisions or rules that aim to ensure and sustain a market where vigorous but fair competition will result in the most efficient allocation of economic resources and the production of goods and services at the lowest price. It’s designed to create a level playing field where both big and small businesses can compete fairly and effectively.

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One thought on “SA Must Foster A Truly Competitive Automotive Aftermarket

  1. I totally agree with the concept of this story,with unemployment growing by the year and laws that are outdated for current situations,Lets hope that with the future big and small businesses have equal opportunities as both have the customers best interest in mind.

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